All posts by Lauren Welch

Post 4: Twitter Exercise 2 -Lauren Welch



So I decided to make a separate twitter account solely for school/business purposes! I tweeted AP, Sugarscape & Hunger magazine. I hope to eventually work for either publication, and I’m obsessed with AP updates so I decided to tweet them for this post. I asked them about internship opportunities and advice for my future as a copy editor &/or journalist. I also threw in a tweet & link to Edible San Antonio where I’m interning this semester. Do me a solid and follow/like their pages! Here is their Facebook & Twitter links.

Post 3-Twitter RT assignment

I’m an avid retweeter. I enjoy a good tweet & like to share it with my friends. I’m not as clever as I’d like to think, so if I find a tweet I find clever I’ll share it.

I’ve used both the basic retweet feature and the quote tweet feature before. I use the twitter app on my phone almost every day. I’m a bit of a tweet-a-holic.

My latest retweet was this:


And this was my last quote tweet:

quote tweet

Here’s a picture of my current bio:


And here’s the new One Direction music video that came out today that I posted on twitter. Yes, I’m a massive One Direction fan. It’s embarrassing.

my twitter handle is:

Until next time,

-Lauren Welch

Post 2-History of the Internet

History of the Internet-Ethan Zuckerman


I liked this video because it talked about how the internet is used to communicate/to talk to one another. The sole purpose of the creation of the internet was to connect, and I liked how Zuckerman brought that up. The timelines were extremely informative as well.

Nerds 2.0.1-Timeline


Honestly, I didn’t know a lot of the details from this timeline. Specifically that there was funding provided by the Air Force given to Paul Baron for  block switching network  to protect communications during an nuclear war & that the Queen of England sent an e-mail in 1976.

The Internet a Decade Later


I always find it interesting looking at early internet usage compared to how it is now, and the statistics are always mind blowing. The fact that we use the internet in everyday life now compared to 12 years ago is amazing. I learned specifically that in 2002 9.1% of the population used the internet compared to 33% in 2012. It also took 12.5 minutes to download a song in 2002. Compared to today’s 18 second downloads, where I get anxious after the first 5 seconds thinking something is wrong because it’s taking, “so long” to download. Incredible.

The First Website

I liked seeing this because it gives perspective on how the internet has grown. It looks a lot like my first ever attempt at HTML coding too, so that’s pretty comforting.

The Evolution of the Web

The visuals as a whole were enough of a learning experience for me. It’s incredible that we can create something like this timeline now when it was unheard of 10-10 years ago. I liked seeing that the ‘drag and drop’ feature was created around 2008 and that Safari was released in 2003.

How Search Engines Work

I actually learned about Spiders last semester! I found it fascinating that there’s a way to comb through the internet and find the most visited and most frequently returned-to sites on the internet and be able to compile them into a search engine site.

Get More out of Google

I had no idea that anything after a dash is excluded from the google search! That’s vital info! I also tend to ask google a lot of questions, and apparently that’s not a sufficient search tactic. Who knew?

On Twitter:

I followed Hunger Magazine because for some reason I wasn’t following them before.  I said that I wanted to eventually work for them in my about me post, so it’s a bit strange that I wasn’t following them. I also started following the AP Stylebook because I will always need that in my profession &, once again, I didn’t realize I wasn’t already following them. Since I’m already following Sugarscape, I decided to follow Vogue as a fallback. I follow Vogue UK, but now I’m following Vogue US. I need as many backups as I can!









About Me! -Lauren Welch

Hi! My name is Lauren Welch & I’m a journalism major here at Texas State University. I’m 21 years old. I’m a gymnastics coach at gyms in Austin & Buda called Olympia Hills Gymnastics. I actually love my job, which most people can’t say while they’re still in school. I love seeing my students grow & progress in the sport. I teach all ages so I have a ton of different types of classes.

I continually tell myself (& others) that I’m terrible when it comes to all things web design, so by the end of this course I’d like to reassure myself that I’m at least slightly knowledgeable in the subject! I can’t wait to put these skills on my resume for potential jobs after graduation.

Speaking of potential jobs, I plan to get as far away from Texas as I can after graduation. Not that I don’t love this state, I’ve just always enjoyed change. My ultimate goal is to end up in the U.K. somewhere. Once I’ve saved up enough money doing whatever it is  I find there, I want to move to a flat in London & hopefully work my way onto the staff at either Hunger magazine or a simple gossip magazine called Sugarscape, eventually working my way up to something bigger. I love copy editing, so I hope to get a job in that field. I’d want to get a taste of column/feature writing as well. As you can tell, I’m a bit all over the place with what I want to do with my life. We’ll just have to see how it all pans out.

In my spare time I watch a lot of films. I love foreign films, indie films, even Disney films. I’m a sucker for a good story. Honestly, the majority of my paychecks go to renting movies at Hastings & buying new music. I’ve wanted to move to the UK since I was 12 years old, so I’m a British pop-culture follower. I think I watch more British TV shows & read more British magazines than I do American. I’m not a traitor I swear!


Hmmm, fun facts: I have an older brother. I’m an intern at Edible San Antonio this semester. I’m an absolute freak when it comes to live music. Honestly, concerts are probably one of my absolute favorite things in the world.

And I guess that’s about it!

twitter: laurenawelch17
