Blog Post 6: Jeremy Goble

Project #3 Topic:

kayak2For Project #3 I will be making a site about kayaking. With spring around the corner, this will give me an opportunity to get outside on my kayak more frequently to get some good photos and video to share on my page in addition to some general information about kayaks, where and how to buy them, and the best spots around central Texas to go kayaking.

Lady Bird Lake - Austin, TX
Lady Bird Lake – Austin, TX

Responsive Websites:

The Onion Mobile Site Mobile

The Onion has a very well and simply designed responsive website. The website maintains emphasis on the photo at the top of the page and compresses the articles beneath it as the page contracts on a large monitor. As the page expands the menu bar appears, followed by side-bars with videos and advertisements at maximum window size. The iPhone version of the website looks identical to the compressed version of the page which I found interesting. I am assuming once you reach a certain pixel width equal to that of the iPhone it takes on the same layout.


 Life Hacker Mobile Site Mobile

This is a pretty cool web page with all kinds of advice to make life more manageable with its life-hacks. The page has a cool menu bar with icons for different devices that disappears as the page shrinks. As the page shrinks further the headline article takes a more prominent position at the top of the page that looks just like the iPhone presentation of the website with a vertical layout of articles. The one consistency is the LH logo in the upper left corner on both devices in all sizes. Check out this website for some pretty cool ideas like how to make the best bacon possible: Bacon Hack.

One thought on “Blog Post 6: Jeremy Goble

  1. Something that I think could be helpful to include on your site would be a FAQ area (like whether you have to wear life jackets or what the hardest part of kayaking is), and possibly a check list of what you need to bring on certain kayaking trips.

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