Blog Post 3: Twitter Exercise and Improving Posts (Brittani Hammock)

Hello All!

I have had a Twitter for almost three years, so you would think I would know how to retweet by now but I couldn’t figure out how to do it. Obviously there is the easy way, to just hit the “Retweet” button, but I couldn’t figure out how to copy a post, how to get it to show up correctly, I wasn’t sure where to put my comment or exactly how and where to put the RT.  I finally looked up Different Ways to Retweet Someone to make sure I was doing it correctly, and it wasn’t as difficult as I was trying to make it. I also had a little trouble finding something I wanted to tweet about. I guess that means I need to follow some more people, or just look through old post of the people I started following last week. Anyway, I eventually found two articles that I thought were worthy of a retweet.

Hopefully I did my retweets correctly

My first retweet I did by just pushing the “Retweet” button. That was definitely easier than trying to figure out how to retweet by copying the post. I chose to retweet @HRC because it’s close to my heart and I think everyone should know that people can still get fired for who they choose to love (this is 2014, COME ON!).

My second retweet was the one I had the most trouble with. I wanted to find something that was relevant to #webpub so I thought this post from @UberFacts was perfect. One out of five divorces is linked to Facebook, which is a great example of how Facebook is effecting our society.

Hopefully, with more practice I will be using and enjoying Twitter by the end of this semester!

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