Blog Post 1: Welcome to Web Design & Publishing!

I’m so excited to have y’all in this class. For your first post (in the dashboard, choose Posts, Add New), do an introductory post, something about yourself, what  you hope to get out of the class, what you like to do in your spare time, what kind of job you hope to get when you graduate. Use links (highlight some text, click on the tiny link icon to add the address) and images (there’s a tiny camera button at the top of the post to insert media) in your posts! Much more interesting that way.

And, if you aren’t already on Twitter, join it and post your Twitter handle in your blog post so we can all follow you. Make sure your Twitter is public. If you have any questions about that, we can discuss in class. We’ll be using the #webpub (short for Web Publishing) hashtag to search for tweets from the other Texas State Web Design classes. For instance, go to!/search/%23webpub and see what comes up.

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