Project 03

Hobby or organization site

Objective: Use Sublime Text/TextWrangler/Notepad++ and Photoshop/Fireworks to make a site for a hobby or organization.

You will use a Web editor (Sublime Text/TextWrangler/Notepad++), a graphics program (Photoshop/Fireworks) in designing this project. Make sure you save all pages with a .html extension. Upload all associated files to a new folder on your Web site.

  • Post the topic and any ideas for your site to the Class Blog. Contact me in advance if you want to discuss. (6 pts)
  • Review the other posted topics and make comments if you have information for the author. (6 pts)
  • Make sure you have a link from your Assignment page to the home page of the new folder. (5 pts)
  • Make sure you have a link to your wireframes.  (5 pts)
  • Valid HTML (must have link to validate). (5 pts)
  • Valid CSS (must have link to validate). (5 pts)
  • Use a stylesheet. (6 pts)
  • Use divs for formatting each page. Use one of the Responsive Design Templates provided to get started. (12 pts)
  • Site must have a total of at least four pages. Pages can represent separate areas of the site, like home, about, contact, links, etc. (12 pts)
  • Decide on an appropriate navigation strategy. You may use text links with a hover (or use Photoshop to create buttons with rollovers – only if appropriate to your design and topic). (10 pts)
  • Include at least one or more appropriate photos or graphics. (7 pts)
  • Design a site logo, using Photoshop or Fireworks. If the organization has a logo, you may use it, but then you will be required to make another graphic somewhere else in the site. (6 pts)
  • Include at least three external links to relevant sites. (6 pts)
  • Make sure you include your email address somewhere in site. (5 pts)
  • Add a date to the bottom of the home page. Update this every time you make a change. (4 pts)


Dr. Cindy Royal’s site, is one example of a hobby site. There are many others. Look at fan sites for bands, films, etc.

Don’t worry if your site is not as elaborate as some you see on the Web. The important thing is that it is designed well, is easy to navigate, and provides good content.