Student Bio Redesign
Objective: Use HTML/CSS and Photoshop/Fireworks, to redesign the personal site you made with HTML.
You will use the HTML and CSS with a text editor, and the graphics program, Photoshop, for this project. Make sure you save the page with a .html extension. Upload all associated files to the main directory of your Web site (this will overwrite the files from the first project)
- Valid HTML (must have link to validate). (10 pts)
- Valid CSS (must have link to validate). (10 pts)
- For this and all projects, you must attach a stylesheet to each page. (6 pts)
- Link to wireframes. (5 pts)
- Use divs for formatting each page. (10 pts)
- Site must have a total of at least five pages. Pages can represent separate areas of the site, like home, about, contact, links, etc. (20 pts)
- You must add one additional page to the site that you did not already have, something to do with a specific hobby or interest. (5 pts)
- Decide on an appropriate navigation strategy. Use use text links in a list with a hover. (10 pts)
- Include at least one or more appropriate photos or graphics. Photos must be optimized with Photoshop or Fireworks. (5 pts)
- Design your own graphics, such as site logo, in Photoshop or Fireworks. (5 pts)
- Include at least three external links to relevant sites. (6 pts)
- Make sure you include your email address somewhere in site. (5 pts)
- Add a date to the bottom of the home page. Update this every time you make a change. (3 pts)