Restaurant site
Objective: Use Sublime Text/TextWrangler/Notepad++ and Photoshop/Fireworks to redesign a site for a local restaurant.
You will use a Web editor (Sublime Text/TextWrangler/Notepad++), a graphics program (Photoshop/Fireworks) in designing this project. Make sure you save all pages with a .html extension. Upload all associated files to a new folder on your Web site.
- Post the link to your restaurant of choice and what HTML5 and CSS3 elements you plan to use on your site on the Class Blog. Contact me in advance if you want to discuss. (3 pts)
- Review the other posted restaurants and make substantive comments if you have information or feedback for the author. (3 pts)
- Make sure you have a link from your Assignment page to the home page of the new folder. (5 pts)
- Link to a before and after site map. (10 pts)
- Link to wireframes you made for this site. (10 pts)
- Valid HTML (must link to your validation results). (5 pts)
- Valid CSS (must link to your validation results). (5 pts)
- Create a contact form that sends you an email. (5 pts)
- Use a responsive framework like Twitter Bootstrap for formatting each page. (12 pts)
- Site must have a total of at least five pages. Pages should have differing kinds of content. If the restaurant you choose has more or less than five pages, contact me so we can figure out which ones you should work on. (10 pts)
- Find and use an HTML5 element we have not discussed in class to use in this project. (10 pts)
- Find and use an CSS3 element we have not discussed in class to use in this project. (10 pts)
- Include at least one or more appropriate photos or graphics. (3 pts)
- Use an external link to link to the old site. (5 pts)
- Add a date to the bottom of the home page. (2 pts)
- BONUS POINTS: If site is compliant with WAVE accessibility standards. Link to the WAVE validation results. (+10 pts)