I have a chapter from the Non-Designer’s Web Book in Resources on TRACS. Read that for next week. This chapter will help you improve your site design.
Twitter – make three @replies to different people that might be influential in your career. Seek out local and non-local. Ask about their career path, what advice they have for you, what skills are important, what are some of the trends in their industry… Anything that interests you. You don’t need to use the #webpub hashtag. You can say that you are a TXST student. For example, here’s something someone might tweet to Aron Pilhofer, the head of Interactive News at NY Times.
@pilhofer I am a TX State student & I am interested in the skills necessary to work as a news developer. What do you look for when you hire people in your department?
That’s it. Do this for AT LEAST 3 people. Ask your own question. Students have gotten/internships/jobs out of this exercise and added valuable contacts to their network.
For this blog post:
- Write a short response on what you learned from the reading, and
- Give a summary of what questions you asked.